Wednesday 29 June 2011

latest events in our household

To say we've been busy, is an understatement. I don't think I can stand on my feet another 5 minutes! And this is how the last few days have gone...
Friday: we had been watching a campervan which was for sale on the internet for a few weeks. And after calling them for a viewing and putting in an offer on condition the viewing went well, Michael found himself on the ICE train within the hour for Rosenheim which is near Munchen in the south. Long story cut short, we bought the camper van! Yoohoo! We're so excited for a weekend away and many years of weekends and holidays away.
Be that as it may, he drove home through the night on Friday and only arrived home on Saturday at 8am. It's a lot bigger than a normal car and therefore drives slowly and also takes quite some getting used to. I don't think I'll quite try the wheel myself yet!
Anyway, on Saturday we spent the day (exhausted) but returning furniture items to the various kind family and friends who lent us some key pieces: beds, highchairs, prams, pots and pans, etc, etc over the last 3 months. So there was a fair amount of dissembling things, packing our campervan and driving here and there. It was exhausting, but nevertheless we couldn't have done without it.
On Saturday night, we slept our first night in the camper van (in our driveway) and it was FUN!!! It rained and made such a nice sound on the ceiling windows. The kids both loved it!! And us too!
On Sunday it was Michael's birthday, so while he was catching up sleep (till 7am) us girls snuck out of the campervan to prepare his birthday breakfast. Josephine drew him a nice picture and he got a pocket knife for his birthday and lots of love and cuddles. And I think Evie sang to him throughout the day!
The rest of the day, we spent taking more furniture back to people. We wanted to go out for lunch together, but got back so late from the deliveries that the restaurant's kitchen had closed. To my disgust, but Michael's delight, we broke the family rule of "no fast food" and went to Macdonald's! It was an exception and main thing is Michael enjoyed it - which he did. I think if it wasn't for me and even Josephine hankering on about his 5 a day, he'd eat there every day. McSchmidt.
On Monday, our container arrived from Japan. The guys arrived around 10am giving us just that bit of time beforehand to do some final preparations here at home. (It's amazing how much stuff can collect, even if borrowed, in just 3 months!!) Anyhow, we were ready for them by the time they came. They were here until 8pm on Monday and worked through the heat. On Tuesday, same procedure. By 6pm they were finished and left. We are about 75% through with unpacking. The furniture is all set up (except for Josephine's bed where the screws are missing). I think Michael and I have unpacked about 240 boxes. Erm!!! There are about 6 left. Yup, that is a lot. But I might add that everything is extremely well wrapped making up for a decent amount of the space. Every knife, fork, spoon has it's own wrapping paper. Anyway, we're nearly done. It's starting to look more homely already. ;-)
And now, it's bed time again for me.