Friday 29 July 2011

Summer holiday photos #3

Summer holiday photos #2

In Inside Scrubby: everything we need! We all 4 sleep on the bed at the back!

Doing LOTS of colouring in due to scattered, but daily rains! Often being very heavy!

Our girls

Charming Evie

Having breakfast together.

Evie inside the Luebeck cathedral. She actually "posed" for this photo.

Luebeck cathedral. Can you see Michael (in red shirt) and Josephine?

the cathedral - all white, very light.

Beautiful gothic arches. Over 1000 years old. Steeple destroyed in war, but rebuilt.

Hanging on to Pappa for dear life!

Running into Pappa's open arms!! He's everything to them!

Evie knocking on a side door to the cathedral. No answer. Hmmm.

My view of Evie as she holds my hand through the streets. ;-) May I not forget her little hands.

Josephine, always busy!

Feeding the ducks grass, stones, you name it. Until Pappa went to fetch some bread.

Sitting on the banks... wonder what they were thinking in that moment?

Throwing bread.

Little expressions.

Getting bigger, don't you think too?

Summer holiday photos #1

A little laugh....a little small...;-)

who is faster? Who do you think!? Josephine, until she hit a hill.

My hubby. x

What a cute girl!

Our Evie - thoughtful mood.

Josephine racing ahead towards a lake in Luebeck. Beautiful city with lots of old buildings.

Racing Josephine.

Luebeck - our "Scrubby" as Josephine has dubbed him. This is where we slept, next to a cathedral (not in the picture - behind me, sorry!)

Of course, Josephine packed her jewels... :-)