Saturday 26 February 2011

last day of being 3

I've just told Josephine that this is the last day that she will be three.
Of course, I know she's mega excited to have her birthday and turn a year older. Everything is about being bigger, being faster, being taller, etc, so there's no holding her back. Mamma, on the other hand, is reminiscing that "small girl days" are flying....and I so love these days! (I am the soppy sort)
So, knowing that she was very excited, I did ask her if there was any inch of sadness about getting older.
"No. No, Mamma, no." And then, with big eyes "And even when I'm four, I can still wear my ballerina dwess. Hmmmm.(nodding strongly)"

But 3 minutes later she added: "Actually, it's no fun being an adult."
Me a bit surprised: "Why?"
Josephine: "Us little kids, we can sleep a lot and we can play a lot and just do our little fings."

Another 3 minutes later:
"Mamma, dat super dupey loop thing (rollercoaster) is too scawy for little ones. It's only for big people like you and me."
